Explanation of review symbols
Type-Point Review System (TP)

It could be hard to understand at first, but it is not that difficult. Once you understand review symbols,
you will be able to understand reviews of almost 18,000 CDs listed here instantly.
1. Explanation of the Review Scores 
Example (can audition) YouTube
Please click while pushing the Shift key
100 - Worldwide great tune level or admitted it was equal ABBA [ Dancing Queen ]
95 - Super great tune level The Carpenters [ Top Of The World ]
90 - Great tune level Mariah Carey [ Hero ]
85 - Very good tune (I want to listen to it again very soon.) Sheryl Crow [ Soak Up The Sun ]
80 - Good tune (I want to listen to it again in near future.)
77 - Good tune (I want to listen to it again someday.)
75 - Normal Good tune (I don't mind not listening to it ever.)
74 - It lacks something to be called a good song.
65 - Normal tune
55 - Bad tune
45 - Awfully bad
2. Explanation of Melody
For each song, you decide what portion is taken up by each of the following 5 elements
Funky, fresh, cheerful, rhythmical, vigorous, powerful Graphing image
R Romantic, beautiful, heart warming, everlasting, sublime
B Ballad, narrative, love, warmth
C Cool, one-way, inorganic, frank, lonely
K Kanasisa(Japanese), Sadness, vanity, sorrow,
You describe the type of the song with 2 letters, the biggest element of that song first and the
second biggest element after that. In the case of this graph, it is BF 
When only one element stands out, you describe the type of that song with only one letter.
FB - Cheerful song (F + B)
BF - Rhythmical ballad (B + F)
KR - Romantic and sad song (K + R)
CF - Vigorous and cool song (C + F)
Melody is explained in more details later
When the tune changes in the middle of the song
> - Tune changes (It is also used when the review score of the song occasionally changes.)
>< - Tune changes but goes back again
FB>CF ・ ・ ・ The tune of the song changes in the middle from FB to CF
3. Explanation of the Symbols for Vocal Songs
For vocal songs, you add the following symbol after the review score.
M Man Male vocal song
W Woman Female vocal song
V Vocal Duet song by male and female
VV -  Chorus song
w , m , v Back chorus included ( w female , m male , v male and female )
4. Explanation of the Symbols for Genres
The symbol for the genre of the song comes in the very beginning.
You do not put out any symbol for Pops, R&B, Smooth Jazz, and Fusion.
Dance music, House music, Techno music
Instrumental songs (Easy Listening, New Age)
Healing music, environmental music
A Classical music
I is for songs with clear melody and H is for songs with floating feelings without clear melody.)
5. Explanation of Additional Symbols
Y Loud, exciting song
y Song that is somewhat hyper
YY Song that is too loud
Rhythmical and vigorous
N Is slow-tempo and makes you sleepy
d Dancanble and has rhythmic sense
g Song with the feeling of groove
S Not an original but a standard song played by various artists ( Standard )
s Cover song that arranged songs including hit vocal song
cs Cover song of the cinema music ( Cinema Standard )
ls Song that arranged classical music ( Classic Standard ) Pure classical song uses the genre symbol A and does not use ls.
SS Medley of Standard song
x Christmas song ( X'mas )(Original )
xs Christmas song ( X'mas )(Standard, cover song)
h String orchestra (Symphony orchestra) contained
Recorded in live ( Live ) (including claps)
/ Short song (about 2 minutes 30 seconds)
in Intro song ( intro )
end ending
b Bossa Nova style ( bosanoba )
t Tango, Latin, the Middle East and Spain style ( tango )
q Blues style
o Country style
a African, Central and South American, and the Southern Country styles ( africa )
+ Celtic style
p Indian style
z Chinese and Okinawan styles
! Somewhat offending screams and groans are contained (such as Jazz). Voices that cannot be called chorus or scat are contained.
- Quality of the recording is not that good (such as old Jazz)
'# The way the song starts is not so great.
#' The way the song ends is not so great.
j Japanese song. Put it in the most end.
e Free performance of the electric guitar
r Arranged remix, another take of the same song. Put it in the beginning.
JJ Big Band Jazz (More than 3 wind instruments) (Make the beginning JJ instead of J )
U Rap Vocal (Put it after W, M)
^ Narration contained.
~ Narrations and conversations
6. Explanation of the concrete example
A review of the song is a combination of symbols like the following.
(Symbol for the genre)MelodyReview scoreSymbol for the Vocal & Additional Symbols
 ↑For Pops, R&B, Smooth Jazz, and Fusion, there is no genre symbol.
Concrete Examples
KC : Cool and sentimental song.、 95 : Super great song. f : Rhythmical
FB : Cheerful song. 65 : Nomal song. W : Woman vocal m : Man chorus on the background.
d : Has a rhythmic sense. y : A little loud. s : Cover song of a hit song by other artist in the past
J: Jazz. BR: Romantic ballad. 75: Good song. N: Is slow-tempo and makes you sleepy
7. Detailed explanation of Tunes
For each song, you decide what portion is taken up by each of the following 5 elements. 
Funky, fresh, cheerful, rhythmical, vigorous, powerful
R Romantic, beautiful, heart warming, everlasting, sublime
B Ballad, narrative, love, warmth
C Cool, one-way, inorganic, frank, lonely
K Kanasisa(Japanese), Sadness, vanity, sorrow,
You describe the type of the song with 2 letters, the biggest element of that song first and the
second biggest element after that.
When only one element stands out, you describe the type of that song with only one letter.
To make it plainly, it explains around the example of Smooth Jazz without the Vocal.

BF Light
It is a refreshing song with adequate rhythm.
Its tune is the most listenable among all types of tunes.  
It generally could be said to be a cheerful song.
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Phil Sheeran Guitar
It's A Good Thing
BF98vf CF80f KB65 CF65 BC65Mw RF>FC74 CF74y KR74 BF85f BR75N
Listen to the song by clicking here 1.Everything's Alright  
(When going back to the previous page, click Back button of the browser.)
When Each Link Is Clicked While Pushing The Shift Key, It Opens In A New Window.

FB Bright
It is a cheerful song.
When F and B are just about the same, rate the song BF. 
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Tony Darren Guitar
Sun Song
BF90f FB95 BR85 KR85N BF77 FB100 FC80s BR85N K75N BF95v
Listen to the song by clicking here 2. Sun Song , 6. Brazilia

FC Cool Bright
This song does not contain very much of B element such as narration
and conversation but contains a strong one-way C element and is cheerful.

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Kirk Whalum
BF74 B>B71vf BC77 CB85wfy KR74Ns RF80f FC95dy B80vf B77 BR75w
Listen to the song by clicking here 7. Open My Eyes

F Very Cheerful
This song is just very cheerful.
Cheerfulness of this song knows no bounds with only so little narrative"B" element and one-way "C" element.
Most of songs are rated FB or FC, so there are not many songs rated F.

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Abraham Laboriel
Dear Friends
CB55f BK67Mm F95 CB61M CF59Y K63 CB61vt CF63f BK><B71f CK67m
Listen to the song by clicking here 3. HOLIDAYS

BR Romantic
It is a romantic ballad

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The Best Of Sade
BR80W CB74W KB75W K69W CK69Wy K67W in>CB71V BR100WN CB77Wvdy KC71W
KB74W K65W RF100W B69WN KC71W K71WN
Listen to the song by clicking here 8. Love Is Stronger Than Pride
W = Woman Vocal

KR Sentimental Romance
It is a romantic and sentimental song. 

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Renee Olstead
Renee Olstead
Listen to the song by clicking here 6. A Love That Will Last
 W = Woman Vocal

BK Sentimental
It is a sentimental ballad.
It is very similar to KR that they are almost identical.

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Dean James
B85 KB95ws K74 BK85w B69M BC75v BK95 CK75 CK69
Listen to the song by clicking here 7. Intimacy

KB Sad
It is a sad ballad.
It has a K element more than BK.

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Dean James
B85 KB95ws K74 BK85w B69M BC75v BK95 CK75 CK69
Listen to the song by clicking here 2. Soon As I Get Home
= woman chorus included

RB Fantastic Romance
It is a fantastic and romantic song. 
It has a R element more than BR.

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Lonnie Liston Smith
BF90Mmf RB95wN BF80 CK74 RF85 CK74v RB95v CB80Mwfd rRB85 CB80Wwdy
  Listen to the song by clicking here Queen Of Hearts
= woman chorus included . N = slow tempo and makes you sleepy .

RK Fantastic Sentimental
It is a fantastic and sentimental song. 
It has a R element more than KR.

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Doug Hall Trio
Three Wishes
Listen to the song by clicking here 7.The Star Crossed Lovers
J = Jazz

B Ballad
It is a ballad. 
Generally, BR, KR, BK, KB, RB, and RK are also ballad, but this one does not apply to any of them.
It is not as romantic as BR, but it is not as sentimental as KR or BK.

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The Braxton Brothers
Steppin' Out
B95 KC85 CB85fd KR95v KC67 B85Mmd BK85v BC85fd B85vs B85f
Listen to the song by clicking here 1. Sunset Bay

RF Light Romantic
This song is romantic and at the same time light. 
It is in the middle of BF and BR.
In order to rate a song BF, there are cases when somewhat slow-paced songs are rated RF.

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Torcuato Mariano
Paradise Station
BF77 BR75v B71 BF74Wws FB75v CK>CF65 RF85 CB69 KR80N CB63
CF61dy end
Listen to the song by clicking here 7. On a Summer Night

CF Intense
It is a song with one-way energy. 
If its melody is good, then it could be called a handsome song.

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Special EFX
CF85dy BF90 FB90 KC75 CK><BC74f KB69t KR80 KC80 KR77 BK74mf
Listen to the song by clicking here 1. Cruise Control

CB Cool
It is a cool song. 
If its melody is good, then it could be called a handsome song.

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It's So Different Here
KC75 BC80Wwfd CB90fd CF69mdy KB75 CF65dY RF77Ww C74dy BR>BC75 C74wdY
C69dY BC75Wfd
Listen to the song by clicking here 3. European Comfort

BC Cool Ballad
It is a cool ballad. 

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Peter White
BC95fs BC75s B75s BK77s KC77s B75s BR77Ns BC69fs BR74wNs BR71Ns
Listen to the song by clicking here 1. Could It Be I'm Falling In Love

C Inorganic Sense
It is a song with an inorganic sense. 
It does not contain a narrative, loving "B"element, and it does not contain much "F," "R," and "K"elements, either.

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Four80East / Four 80 East
The Album
C85fd C>CK71d KC77 CR69d BC90fd C74dy C85fd KC74 CF71vfd C75fd
Listen to the song by clicking here 1. Eastside 7. Survival

CK Sentimental Cool
It is a cool song with darkness.

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Boney James
CK90d CB69mfd KB67 K77 BK75 CK71dy BK71vs BC77f KB65Ns
Listen to the song by clicking here 1. Camouflage

KC Cool Sentimental
It is a cool, sentimental song.

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CB77dy KC95 FB80 CB71d CF71d BK85 BF77y BC75d BF74 CF63Y
Listen to the song by clicking here 2. Spice

RC Mysterious
It is a mysterious and mystic song. 

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Kool & The Gang
Gold [Best of]
[ Disc 1 ]
CB74dY! CB74dy CB67mdy CB61mdy~ CB65vdyL CB67Mdy CB65Mdy CB55Mmdy CB61Mmdy CB61Mmdy
CB61Mmdy RC85 CB61MUmd CB65mdy CB69Mdy CB71vfdy
Listen to the song by clicking here 12. Summer Madness

CR Mysterious Cool
It is a mysterious song. 
It is like a BGM of some suspense TV show.

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The V.I.P. Club
Coconut Kiss
CF77f CB85f KC80 KCN><BR75 CF80f KC85 CR85 FB74m CB77 KR85N
Listen to the song by clicking here 7. Far From Home

K Very Sad
It is a song of desperate grief that is even sadder than KB.

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Boney James
Body Language
K85w CK95dy KC80 BR75Mm KC77 KC85 K85 BK85 CK77m
Listen to the song by clicking here 1. Are You Ready
= woman chorus included

KF Powerful Sad
This type of song is very rare. It is a song with the sense of shouting the sadness strongly.

R Fantastic
Most songs are rated BR and RB, and there are not very many songs rated R.

CC Assemble Of Sounds
It is like the assemble of sounds with an even stronger inorganic sense and without clear melody.
Only this puts 2 of the same symbol C as an exception.

All songs are rated KF, so there is no song rated FK.

All songs are rated RF, so there is no song rated FR.

That is all. 5×4 - None(FK,FR)2 + Solo5(F, R, B, C, K) + Exception(CC)1 = There are 24 types.
In order for a song to get the highest score.
 (BF type) How comfortable is BF, B, RF, or FB?
・ (C type) How much does CF, CB, or FC let you feel the music?
・ (R type) How heartwarming does BR, KR, or RB makes you feel?
・ (K type) How much does KR, BK, or KB let you feel the deepness?
These elements are needed.
In order for a song to get the lowest score.
・ It repeats phrase that is not very beautiful.
・ Its melody is trackless and weird.
・ Its tune changes too often and the concept of the song is unclear.
・ It is a very common song and lacks individuality.
・ It is not a song with good tempo, but it is just loud.
・ Its recording condition is bad (such as old Jazz).
・ It makes you gloomy (Round Midnight, Autumn Leaves, etc).
・ It is a very desperate song (It only contains K element and lacks B and R elements.
・ The development of the song is not understandable, and it makes you tired to listen to this song.
・ It is a cover song of a famous vocal song, but it is like a karaoke and has only little arrangement.
Those are the elements that give a song the lowest score.

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